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Our roofers are experienced in different types of roofs and materials. You can be sure that our roofers will get your job done to your quality standards!

Shingle Roof

Driving anywhere through the First Coast communities, you will find that many residential homeowners have chosen asphalt shingles for their roofs. This type of shingle is also commonly selected for commercial roofing projects, both large and small. The reason they are popular is that they come in an assortment of colors, styles, and levels of durability and have longer warranties for a fraction of the cost of metal, slate, and tile. When installed by a professional and licensed roofing contractor such as MAG Multiservices & Repairs INC, the traditional roof shingle successfully provides quality material at reasonable prices.

Architectural Shingles: Also known as high dimensional shingles, they are priced just a small amount higher than the most common asphalt 3-tab shingle. Traditionally the cost difference was more substantial, requiring homeowners to decide between budget necessities and visual appearance lending an air of elegance with their raised appearance. The heavier weight and high dimensional appearance make them an ideal choice for higher wind ratings, higher fire ratings, hiding roof imperfections, and longer manufacturer warranties.

Homeowners Associations:

When choosing a new shingle roof, or re-roof for your home, it is important to consider not only the appearance and style of your own house but that of your subdivision as well. While you want to proudly stand apart, you also want to blend attractively in. A uniform appearance is also the goal of most Homeowner Associations and must be approved beforehand.

Need help with your Homeowner Association paperwork? From attending meetings on your behalf to simply filling out all of the required documents, MAG Multiservices & Repairs INC will be happy to provide the help you need at no additional cost.

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Shingle Roof Results